Mural Title: The Wailin’ Mailman: A Portrait of Buck Hill
Location: 1925 14th Street, NW
Donated By: Snell Properties
Artist(s): Joe Pagac
Year: 2018
Mural Title: The Wailin’ Mailman: A Portrait of Buck Hill
Location: 1925 14th Street, NW
Donated By: Snell Properties
Artist(s): Joe Pagac
Year: 2018
Joe Pagac is an artist, a craftsman, a performer and a world traveller born and raised in Tucson. Starting with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in Visual Communications and Illustration Joe set out after graduation to explore as many different facets of the artistic world as possible. With time spent working in fields ranging from construction and sculpture to marketing and event planning, Joe is now able to draw on a vast amount of knowledge to help make any artistic dream a reality.
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