The SHOW: Featuring Work Form All Lead Artists and Apprentice Students.
Tuesday, September 6th, 6:00pm – 9:00pm.
Located in the former R.L. Christian Library at 1300 H Street, NE.
Celebrate the summer of 2011 and all the work that Murals DC accomplished. It was a summer filled with murals, workshops, panels, film screening, murals jam and gallery show. Did you miss any of it? This is your change to see what happened, and learn how to be part of the program moving forward.
Join us for the inaugural gallery show of Murals DC. This will be a wonderful night of art, music, live art creation, BBQ, and a meet and greets with the Lead Artists, their Student Apprentices and film makers from The Red Line D.C. Project.
Meet the staff of the DC Commission and the Department of Public Works who make this program possible. The property owners who so generously contributed the walls and ideas for the mural designs. See all the final 2011 mural designs on display and even take a few home with you. This program exists for you, and this event is as much a celebration of the people who did the work, as it is a celebration of the community of people who support it.