
MuralsDC Featured on NPR’s “Participation Nation”

National Public Radio has featured MuralsDC in its month-long blog series “Participation Nation“. The blog’s mission is to collect stories “about the good things Americans are doing to make their…

Mural Bike Tour | Sat., Aug. 18

Miss the first MuralsDC x BicycleSPACE bike tour? Luckily for you, we’ve got another one lined up for Saturday, August 18. The tour will be leaving at 11 AM from…

Behind the Scenes | Apprentice Workshop

Our Youth Apprentices have been attending workshops with one of our lead artists, getting training in the art of aerosol painting. Soon they’ll be taking their talents to the walls,…

Announcing the 2012 Apprentices!

We are excited to announce that we have selected the MuralsDC apprentices! Check out Robert, Annie, Elana, Nique, Margaret, Mohamed, Luis, Jordan, Joseph, Joel Rivera, and Joel Ulmer on

Mural Designs Revealed!

Three of this year’s

Wall Spotlight | Dance Place

The walls for MuralsDC projects this year are located all throughout the city, each location and neighborhood with a character and story of its own. The unique character of each…

Mural Design Updates

MuralsDC and Department of Public Works representatives have been meeting with community members and property owners over the course of the last two weeks to work together with artists on…

Media: Bike Tour

BicycleSPACE put together a video with footage from the Murals DC Bike Tour. If you weren

“Before” Walls

We just posted the “before” pictures of this year’s walls, ready to be transformed into works of art by our lead artists and apprentices! Murals DC representatives are currently meeting…

A Look Inside the Process

Today, representatives from Murals DC and the DC Department of Public Works are meeting with property owners and community members to discuss the mural designs created by our lead artists….